How test serial port by LoopBack method
With Bill Redirect application
Documentation: 06/05/2010
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This documentation will help you to test your computer 'Serial port' by yourself. If some
hardware that use serial port connected to your computer does not function properly, comport
test is the First step that you should do as this method is Very Easy to Test it.
How to test serial port RS-232 Connection step-by-step ?
This is call a loop back test method. NO NEED Any Application Install on your Computer !!!
NO NEED any Hardware Interface on your Computer.
What is "Loop back test Method' ?
"Loop Back tests can be performed by connecting the transmitter on the device to the
receiver on the same device"
Why we should to do this method ?
When the interface hardware device have some problem occurs or hardware function not
properly. You can't test your Hardware because you don't sure computer port working
properly. This method is Easy way to Troubleshooting by yourself.
How to ?
This method will send and receive data in same port call 'LOOP BACK TEST'.
We use Bill Redirect Application to Send and receive data
Available via this link:
Hardware Requirement (Nothing)
Application Requirement (Bill Redirect)
Skill Requirement (Nothing)
Use this documentation at your own risk
We take no responsibility for anything that happens to your equipment
Step #1
Find something connect (Short or Link) your target com port (DB9 Pin) somebody call Serial
Port Pin 2-3. Shutdown your Computer Use it short Pin 2-3 (Pin 2-3 only - Be careful short
other Pin Use a bunch, or Paper clip).
Shutdown your Computer Use it short Pin 2-3
Pin 2-3 only
- Be careful short other Pin)
Pin 2-3 Short example
Step #2
(Run Bill Redirect software)
Start up the computer
Close all application
Run our application Bill Redirect:
Step #3
(Bill Redirect setup)
Uncheck all sections except the
Serial Port
- Set the Serial Port to:
- Press on button:
Serial Port Configuration
Step #4
(Connection setting)
- Enter the Serial Port Number to test
If field back color is GREEN, it's because the COM is present and available.
Step #5
(Test serial port)
- Press on button:
Press on button:
- Enter in field 'Send':
hello world
- Press on button:
If this line appear in the debugger:
RX SERIAL:hello world
Then it's because your serial port working properly !
If you don't see this line then,
- Shutdown the computer and double check your Comport Pin 2-3 loopback.
* Important: Don't short other pin
- Test this method again
If the problem persist then your serial port is probably defect !
Call your computer reseller
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